Cheri Roggow
- B.M.E. Degree in Music Education from the University of Northern Colorado
- KMP and group instructor for since 1990
- 32+ years pf private piano instruction
- Author of "The Music Playground" Curriculum
- Presenter for CMEA at the Broadmoor January 2017
- Presenter for Pikes Peak Music Teacher meetings
- Presenter for CAEYC
- Regional Conference Workshop Leader for Music Teachers National Association
- Lead in "Amahl and the Night Visitors" Opera at UNC, 1985
- Director of children's musicals from 1978 - 1980
- Composer since 1976, Accompanist since 1973
Noelle Faris
- B.A. Degree in Music from The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, CA
- KMP instructor for 13 years
- 8 years experience in private piano instruction
- Private voice instruction
- Directed Children's Choir in church
- Traveled with choirs and small groups around the country and in the Phillippines, Israel, Spain, Ukraine, and Russia
- Currently involved in church accompanying and singing